How the Program Works:
The program supports schools in starting and maintaining a successful club that creates a fun environment for students to run, walk, wheel, and play in. The Youth Run Club supports school communities across Alberta to increase physical activity levels and overall well-being.
Clubs get together one to five times per week. Participants come together to be active in a way that is most comfortable to them, whether walking, running or rolling with an end goal to complete a fun run or walk at the end of the season. Some clubs choose to host their own, while some participate in community runs. If you are looking to host your own, please fill out the request form below, we would love to support you!
Ever Active Schools provides clubs with all of the necessary resources to implement and maintain a successful run club, including online handbooks, finisher prizes, running logs, school & community events and more!
Join the club and visit Coach's Corner to browse all of our resources.
numbers reported from 2023/24 Coach's Survey (n=35)

The Participants:
All kids of all abilities, from Kindergarten to Grade 12 across Alberta! Group sizes can range from just a few to more than 100.

The Coaches:
Coaches can be teachers, staff, parents, peer leaders or community members.
The number of coaches required will depend on the size of the group, the age of the participants, and the type of running route chosen. It is ideal to have several adults involved to ensure safety and to motivate participants. Head coaches are encouraged to recruit parents and community volunteers.